Why Us

Why Howrah St. Teresa School

Our Approach

We provide valued learning experience & focus on kids over all development.


Academic year of our school is from April to March of respective years, you can connect with us for admission directly.

Enhance Learning

Curriculum also includes imperative of skill learning programme.

Latest News & Events

Admission For Batch 2023-2024 Is Going To Start For More Information Please Contact School Administration.

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Students With Excellence

Certified Teachers

Years of Excellence

% Satisfied Parents

For the Parents

Visiting Hours: Monday - Friday
Principle - 9:30 A.M. - 2 P.M.
Head Mistress - 9:00 A.M. to 1 P.M.
Teacher Incharge - 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
Note- Any Other Time By Appointment Only

Digital Classes for All

Online classes for the student’s.

Pre-K and K

Kindergarten provides experiences for children to grow and develop through play and interaction.

Grades 1 - 10

Those twelve years of schooling are sufficient enough to shape the next sixty years of your life.


Rules And Guidelines

General Rules

Strict regularity, implicit obedience, politeness, courtesy in speech and conduct and cleanliness of books, dress and person are rigidly insisted upon.

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Students are required to attend a minimum of 80% of classes in one academic year. tudents falling short of attendance will not be allowed to appear in the annual examination.

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Fees Rules

Monthly fees must be paid on or before 15th of each month. Payment thereafter will be accepted with late fee. The fine will be Rs. 30/- for each successive month

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For the Parents

Although most structured learning takes place in the confines of the school, that doesn’t mean that parents cannot have an active role in their children’s education. On the contrary, parents can encourage, motivate, and even influence their kids to do well in school.