General Rules
1. At the stroke of the bell at 7:30 a.m., all must fall in line immediately and form the lines for the assembly where they will recite Prayer and subsequently move silently to their class- rooms.
2. All are expected to speak in ENGLISH in SCHOOL.
3. Utmost cleanliness must be observed in school premises. Throwing litter, pieces of paper, seeds and skins of fruits is strictly prohibited. Use of dustbins provided, should be made for this.
4. Writing or scribbling on walls and desk, benches or anywhere else is strictly prohibited.
5. Any kind of damage done by pupils to the school equipment's, furniture, building etc. will have to make good and penalty shall be decided by the Principal.
6. Strict regularity, implicit obedience, politeness, courtesy in speech and conduct and cleanliness of books, dress and person are rigidly insisted upon.
7. Silence must be observed in the corridors and on the stairs during class hours. They should not be found talking in between periods.
8. No book (other than Text or Library books), newspapers or periodicals must be brought to School. Any objectionable literature found in possession of the student justifies dismissal.
9. The school shall not be held responsible for books, money, clothes and other articles that are lost. Students must look after their own things. It is not advisable for pupils to have money, Valuable articles or jewelry with them. Harmful or lethal objects should not be brought to school. Beware, it is criminal to carry harmful or lethal objects.
10. Fancy watches are not allowed to be worn in the school and will be confiscated. Students from Std. VII only will be allowed to wear wrist watches.
11. Mobile Phones are not permitted in the school premises. Any student found carrying a mobile phone, the phone will be confiscated and a heavy penalty will be levied on the parents.
12. Birthdays are not celebrated in the school by distributing sweets or any kind of presents.
13. Pupils are answerable to the School Authorities for their conduct both in and even outside the School. Hence misbehavior in public places and conveyance is punishable.
14. A student who is unwell should not be sent to school. In case of emergency, medical fees and transport charges will be borne by the parents. Students suffering from contagious or infectious diseases are not permitted to attend the school.
15. Any sort of complaints/suggestions regarding school matters should be handed over to the Principal and not to the class teachers.
16. Any correspondence by the parents should be on a separate application/note on a full scape paper and must be sent in an envelope.
17. Parents or Guardians can request a meeting with the teacher only with the prior permission of the Principal and should never approach the teacher directly in the classroom.
18. For breach of any school rules, a student may be fined or otherwise punished at the discretion of the Principal.
19. An Green Card is Issued to student for important reasons. Old student must have their Green card renewed in every academic year. Parents must bring the Green card of their words at the time of taking home. The Green card supplied by the school should be deposited to school office for the Principal signature after filling in and affixing a recent passport size photo of the student in school Uniform within 7 days of the commencement of the new session.